I am Vishal Mysore.  I have been designing and developing Java based distributed systems for quite some time.

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/vishalrow/

Why GTAJava?

GTA Java stands for Greater Toronto Area Java Professionals! . I am trying to build real working samples on different cloud providers for my own learning as well as to provide a starting reference point for others to follow.

Why Cloud Compare?

Have you ever wondered how does each cloud provider compare against the other? What are you missing when you use one vs the other? I was in the same boat as you until I decided to take things in my own hand (literally!!). Started developing sample applications and deploying on all major cloud providers to compare how they stand against each other. Some of the parameters I compared were

1) Ease of Use & Learning Curve

2) Security.

3) DevOps & CI/CD Pipeline.

4) Documentation.

5) Integration

6) Learning Curve

7) Maintenance 

8) Vendor Lock in!!

9) What about cost? - I am not going to compare the cost because it has lots of influencing factors such as use case, data storage needs, support model etc.

Why Cloud?

This question has been answered many times., but this link might be a good starting point https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/03/12/why-migrate-to-the-cloud-the-basics-benefits-and-real-life-examples/?sh=7f6481575e27 

Moving to cloud is good for the environment and climate change as well https://www.mavenwave.com/blog/positive-effect-cloud-computing-climate-change-decarbonization/ 

My Favorite Cloud Provider?

Its very difficult to compare the providers as each one provides different benefits, from cost perspective Heroku is better for small applications, AWS  has rich set of documentation which is easy to search and there are well trained resources in AWS with tons of certifications, GCP is good if you are Google Shop (GTAJava is hosted on GCP so you might have guessed my favorite), Azure is good from the development perspective as its comparatively easy to ramp up.